Unreal Engine 5.2.0 was recently released, and with its menacing graphics and new features, it has expanded the possibilities for individuals to do a lot of things.
What is Unreal Engine 5.2.0?
Unreal Engine 5.2.0 includes the following new features and improvements
- Procedural Content Generation FrameworkUnreal Engine 5.2: Unreal Engine 5.2 introduces for the first time a procedural content generation framework (PCG) that can be used directly within the Unreal Engine without relying on external packages. This framework includes a world of in-editor tools and runtime components that allow PCG tools to fill large scenes according to rules and parameters defined in Unreal Engine assets. The runtime components also allow this system to work within games and other real-time applications, allowing the world to react to changes in gameplay and geometry [9†source].
- SubstrateSubstrate: This release also introduces a new material creation method called Substrate. When enabled, Substrate replaces a fixed combination of shading models with a more expressive and modular multi-lobe framework. It replaces a fixed combination of shading models with a more expressive and modular multi-lobe framework, providing a wider range of surface appearances and a larger parameter space. This is especially powerful for representing layered appearances such as "metal on liquid" or "dust on clear coat" [10†source].
- Enhanced Virtual Production Toolset: With this release, new features and enhancements have been added to the virtual production toolset to give filmmakers more creative power. Specifically, a new iOS app has been introduced that allows for stage manipulation, including color grading, light card placement, and nDisplay management tasks. In addition, enhancements to the Unreal Engine's VCam system allow filmmakers to make more creative decisions during pre-production [11†source].
- AppleSilicon SupportUnreal Editor now includes native support for Apple Silicon, which improves the user experience, performance and stability. The Universal Binary for the Unreal Engine, which natively supports both Apple Silicon and Intel CPUs, is available for download from the Epic Games launcher. Available for download [12†source].
- New ML deformer sample: Using the new ML Deformer sample, you can explore how to use Unreal Engine machine learning technology to create high-fidelity, real-time characters driven by full muscle, body, and cloth simulations. The download includes a demo sequence in which muscles expand and slide under the skin and folds are formed in clothing. You can also compare the results with ML Deformer on and off and animate the model with the included Control Rig assets [13†source].