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Ethereum 2.0 Technical Explanation

The technical evolution of Ethereum 2.0 is explained in detail, including the separation of the Execution Layer from the Consensus Layer, the role of validators, the Proof of Stake (PoS) system, and the latest Dencun update.

Ethereum 2.0 Technical Depth - Learning from the University of Tokyo Blockchain Course

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

In the world of blockchain technology, Ethereum has always been at the forefront of innovation, and since the major update "The Merge" in September 2022, Ethereum has entered a new phase, the so-called Ethereum 2.0 era. In this blog, we take a closer look at the technical aspects of Ethereum 2.0, based on valuable material from the University of Tokyo's Endowed Chair in Blockchain Innovation.

The latest incarnation of Ethereum, which has evolved beyond a mere virtual currency to become a platform for distributed applications (DApps), will be explained in detail and in an easy-to-understand manner.

2. architecture of Ethereum 2.0

The most significant feature of Ethereum 2.0 is its innovative architecture. It has evolved significantly from the previous Ethereum,Execution LayerandConsensus LayerThe two layers were separated into two layers.

The Execution Layer is responsible for transaction execution and state management and inherits many of the traditional Ethereum functions. The Consensus Layer, on the other hand, is a newly introduced layer responsible for consensus building of blocks. This separation is expected to improve scalability in the future.

Further,Proof of Stake (PoS) The system has significantly improved energy efficiency. This has not only reduced the environmental impact, but has also allowed more participants to be involved in the operation of the network.

Ethereum 2.0 Innovations

3. how validators work

The heart of Ethereum 2.0 is,valid data systemIt is. Validators play an important role in supporting network security and efficiency.

How to become a validator,32 ETHmust be staked (deposited as collateral). Each validator is,Validator Signing KeyandWithdrawal KeyTwo types of keys are used. These keys maintain a balance between security and flexibility.

The primary role of the validator is to propose and validate blocks. They are rewarded for performing these duties correctly, but there are severe penalties for misconduct.

Will it be a validator?

Block generation and consensus mechanism

In Ethereum 2.0,Concept of Timeis very important. The network must be "in theSlotand "EpochThe system operates on a time unit of "time".

A Slot is a 12-second time unit, and one block is generated in each Slot. 32 Slots (about 6.4 minutes) are grouped together as one Epoch.

The consensus algorithm includes a "Gasper Protocolis adopted. This is,LMD GHOST(Latest Message Driven Greedy Heaviest Observed Sub-Tree) andCasper FFG(Friendly Finality Gadget).

LMD GHOST is responsible for fork selection within each Epoch, while Casper FFG is responsible for establishing long-term finality across Epochs. This combination enables fast and secure block finalization.

Time and Consensus Sequence for Ethereum 2.0

5. state management and data structure

In Ethereum 2.0, both the Execution Layer and Consensus Layer manage state data.

The Execution Layer manages account balances and smart contract status. The Consensus Layer, on the other hand, manages validator information and consensus-related data.

These state data are,Markle Patricia TreeThe data is managed in an efficient data structure called This structure allows large amounts of data to be stored efficiently and verified at high speed.

Ethereum 2.0 State Management

6. reward and penalty system

In maintaining the health of Ethereum 2.0,Rewards and Penalties Systemis very important.

Validators are rewarded for proposing blocks and voting correctly. On the other hand, there are severe penalties for actions that threaten the security of the network.

Especially for serious violations, "slashingA severe penalty, called "the penalty" is applied to the validator. This gives validators an incentive to take the right action and increases the overall reliability of the network.

How to ensure the security and reliability of the Ethereum 2.0 network?

7. integration with Layer 2 and Dencun update

Ethereum 2.0 for even greater scalability,Layer 2 Solutionand strengthened integration with the

LatestDencun UpdateNow, let's look at the "blobA dedicated data area called "Layer 1" has been introduced. This allows for more efficient handling of Layer 2 data.

In addition, data availability (Data Availability) improvements and futureDankshardingPreparations are also underway for the implementation of These efforts are expected to dramatically increase Ethereum's processing power and scalability.

Improved scalability of Ethereum 2.0

8. conclusion

Ethereum 2.0 is a bold extension of the Bitcoin Protocol concept and a true "world computerThe system is steadily evolving toward the realization of a "distributed system". Its technical complexity sometimes makes it difficult to understand, but at the same time it is opening up new possibilities for distributed systems.

The evolution of Ethereum 2.0 will be an important step in shaping the future of blockchain technology. For technologists, researchers, and all those interested in crypto assets, following the Ethereum 2.0 developments should provide a valuable glimpse into the future of decentralized systems.

The content of this blog is based on materials from the University of Tokyo Blockchain Innovation Endowed Chair. For more detailed information and the latest developments, we encourage you to refer to official Ethereum documents and relevant academic papers; the world of Ethereum 2.0 continues to evolve on a daily basis, and it is important to keep up with the latest information.

Should Ethereum enthusiasts follow 2.0 closely?

The content of this article is based on material from the Blockchain Innovation Endowed Chair offered by the University of Tokyo. Academic efforts such as this are crucial to deepening our understanding of blockchain technology and creating new innovations. We will need to continue to pay close attention to the technological evolution and expanding applications of Ethereum.

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