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Metaverse / Metaverse Introduction List

Welcome to the world of the Metaverse! On this page, we will give you an overview of the hot topic of the moment, the Metaverse, and introduce you to some notable projects. Metaverse is a virtual space built on the Internet. You can interact, create, and enjoy adventures through your avatar, as if you have entered the world of a science fiction movie. Now, why don't you dive into the world of Metaverse and have a new experience?
Welcome to the world of the Metaverse! On this page, we will give you an overview of the hot topic of the moment, the Metaverse, and introduce you to some notable projects. Metaverse is a virtual space built on the Internet. You can interact, create, and enjoy adventures through your avatar, as if you have entered the world of a science fiction movie. Now, why don't you dive into the world of Metaverse and have a new experience?

Table of Contents

What is Metaverse?

Step into a playground of another dimension, spend time with friends, create art, and make meaningful connections in a state-of-the-art metaverse network. Explore what the virtual universe has to offer.

Metaverse List


Everdome is a virtual world that functions as a metaverse project. It is a digital space where users can interact with each other, explore, create content, and participate in a variety of activities with the goal of providing an immersive and realistic experience.


The Sandbox is a platform that allows users to create, share, and monetize their own digital experiences in a virtual world powered by blockchain technology. This innovative ecosystem enables a new form of digital economy in which everyone can participate: players, creators, artists, and game designers.


XANA is the world's leading metaverse platform, providing an AI-enhanced, Web 3.0-type infrastructure.


Bloktopia is a virtual environment for information about cryptocurrencies and NFTs. Beginners and advanced users alike can learn about both basic and advanced topics. You can also enjoy playing games and making connections with new people.

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