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ホーム » Virtual Currency Exchange Recommendations (Domestic and International)

Virtual Currency Exchange Recommendations (Domestic and International)

What is a virtual currency exchange?

A virtual currency exchange is a place to trade virtual currencies on an online platform. They mainly deal with major virtual currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple, and offer the ability to buy, sell, hold, and transfer virtual currencies. Generally, transaction fees are required. Some exchanges also offer advanced trading features using algorithms and leverage.

On the other hand, virtual currency exchanges carry several risks. It is important to take thorough security measures because virtual currency can be targeted by hacking or unauthorized access. Risk management is also essential because price fluctuations can cause prices to fall.

virtual currency exchange

Table of Contents

travel rule

The "Travel Rule" proposed by the FATF (Financial Action Task Force) has been complied with, and new regulations have been adopted to strengthen measures against money laundering and other crimes. By meeting international standards, Japan aims to strengthen its legal framework for cryptocurrency regulation.

To prevent money laundering, terrorist financing, and other malicious transactions, cryptocurrency providers are required to share information about transfers above a certain amount.

hard wallet

Crypto asset wallets such as MetaMask will continue to be available.

A virtual currency hard wallet, or hardware wallet, is a device used to securely store virtual currency and offers the following advantages

  1. セキュリティ: Hardware wallets store private keys (private keys) of virtual currency in an offline environment. This greatly reduces the risk of keys being stolen from devices connected to the Internet. Many hardware wallets also offer two-step authentication with a PIN code or passphrase for added protection against physical theft.
  2. privacy: Hardware wallets keep the user's private key in the device and do not share that information with the outside world. This protects the user's privacy.
  3. durability: Because a hardware wallet is a physical device, access to your virtual currency is guaranteed even if your computer's hard drive or smartphone fails.
  4. ease of use: Hardware wallets, in combination with specialized software, allow users to intuitively manipulate virtual currency, such as signing transactions and managing addresses.
  5. multi-currency support: Many hardware wallets support multiple virtual currencies, including Ethereum (ETH) and Ripple (XRP) as well as Bitcoin (BTC).

However, hardware wallets are not completely risk-free either. There are factors to consider, such as loss or failure of the device and reliability of the manufacturer. Also, setting up a hardware wallet

LEDGER Hard Wallet

Protect your assets and get the most out of Web 3.0 with the new Ledger Nano S Plus Ledger Nano S gets a power boost for DeFi and NFT users. It's the new Nano S Plus.

Introduction of LEDGER NANO S PLUS

  • Manage over 5,500 crypto assets
  • Large memory capacity to install more than 100 applications simultaneously.
  • Securely manage NFTs
  • Ledger Live provides full transparency of NFT transaction transmission and signature: all signature details are displayed.
  • Enjoy a more comfortable user experience
  • The large screen is easy to operate and transactions are easily authenticated.
  • Protects crypto assets, NFTs, and tokens
  • Authenticated secure chip (CC EAL5+) allows offline storage of private keys. Protects your assets from hacker attacks.

List of Recommended Virtual Currency Exchanges

Are there any virtual currency exchanges worth considering?

Do you have these considerations in your mind right now?

I have made a simple comparison between foreign and domestic exchanges that I actually use.

With that in mind, we have picked out a few recommended virtual currency exchanges to introduce.

(a stock) exchangeCoin CheckGMO CoinOKX (not available in Japan)BYBITMEXCFXGTZOMEXBITGET
Number of currencies handled21 types23 issues343 TypeMore than 130 typesMore than 600 types19 types
Crypto Assets,
stock price index
More than 170 typesApproximately 390 types
Maximum leverage×x-mark (used to indicate an incorrect answer in a test, etc.)twice100 times100 times125 times1000 times100 times100 times
Transaction feesSales offices: 0.5% of the transaction amount
Exchange: 0.15% for Maker (limit order) and 0.25% for Taker (market order)
Sales office: Free of charge
Exchange: Maker (new orders)
-0.01%, Taker (market order) 0.05%
0.08% manufacturer commission and 0.10% taker commission for spot transactions.Present: 0.1% 
taker 0.06
maker 0.01%
Cash: 0.2free 
*Separately swap
There is a point
aker~0.02 % aker~0.02 % aker~0.02
maker ~0.06%
Spot transactions:
Free Futures Trading:
taker 0.051%
maker 0.017%
Overseas Support/
Japanese Language Support
English 0Overseas service available▽ ▽ (used to indicate an incorrect answer, e.g. "yes", "no")'good work' (equiv. of silver star awarded to children at school)period'good work' (equiv. of silver star awarded to children at school)'good work' (equiv. of silver star awarded to children at school)period
Japanese Yen support'good work' (equiv. of silver star awarded to children at school)'good work' (equiv. of silver star awarded to children at school)▽ ▽ (used to indicate an incorrect answer, e.g. "yes", "no")period×x-mark (used to indicate an incorrect answer in a test, etc.)'good work' (equiv. of silver star awarded to children at school)period×x-mark (used to indicate an incorrect answer in a test, etc.)
Official SiteClick hereClick hereClick hereClick hereClick hereClick hereClick hereClick here
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Virtual Currency Exchange Comparison List

Coincheck Virtual Currency Transactions


Coin Check

Attractive features of Coincheck

Japan's Leading Crypto Asset Exchange

Coincheck is one of Japan's leading crypto asset exchanges, founded in 2014. It boasts the largest number of users in Japan and is one of the country's top-ranked exchanges in terms of transaction volume.

Attraction of Coincheck

The features of Coincheck are as follows

  • Easy-to-read and easy-to-use trading screenIntuitive interface that can be easily operated even by beginners.
  • Easy and fast account openingThe quick process: you can start trading right away.
  • Reliable OperationAs a subsidiary of a company listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange prime market, the company has outstanding reliability.
  • Full security measuresThe latest security technology is used to ensure that user assets are well-protected.
  • Diverse ServicesCoincheck offers a wide range of services including: exchange, sales, lending, virtual currency for rent, savings virtual currency, Coincheck savings, Coincheck NFT, and more.

Why is it loved by a wide range of users?

Coincheck is supported by a wide range of users, from beginners to advanced traders. It offers many advantages such as a wide range of currencies, easy-to-use trading screens, simple account opening and trading operations, and free trading commissions. In addition, as a subsidiary of a company listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market, it offers outstanding safety and reliability.

Why should you choose Coincheck?

Coincheck is the best exchange for those who are just starting out or already trading crypto assets. The following points are especially recommended:

  • Low cost to get startedVirtual currency trading is available from 500 yen.
  • Affordable transaction feesThe fees are relatively inexpensive compared to other exchanges.

Details of Transaction Fees

  • Exchange Fees0.5% of the transaction amount.
  • 取引所手数料:Maker(指値注文)が0.15%、Taker(成行注文)が0.25%。

Travel Rule Compliance



Why Choose Coincheck?

1. overwhelming popularity

  • 4年連続アプリダウンロード数No.1
  • Coincheckの仮想通貨アプリは、国内最大級の540万ダウンロードを突破しました!
  • (対象:国内の暗号資産取引アプリ、期間:2019年〜2022年、データ協力:AppTweak)

(2) Wide range of currencies handled

  • 国内最大級の取り扱い通貨数
  • Coincheckでは、多数の仮想通貨を取り扱っており、全ての通貨を500円から購入可能です。
  • (2022年5月金融庁暗号資産交換業者登録対象、自社調べ)

3. full PC functionality

  • BTCの取引手数料が無料
  • 取引所でのビットコイン取引手数料が無料です!

No. 1 in physical bitcoin trading volume

  • 2ヶ月連続で国内No.1
  • 2022年7月および8月のビットコイン現物取引高で国内No.1を獲得しました。
  • (国内暗号資産交換業者の取引所における月次取引高、自社調べ)

5. part of the Monex Group listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime

  • 徹底したセキュリティ体制
  • Coincheckは、金融系システムセキュリティに対応し、サイバー攻撃や情報漏えいを防ぐために専門家の協力を得てネットワーク分離強化などのシステム再構築を行い、全通貨のコールドウォレット対応を完了しています。

6. various methods of depositing Japanese yen

  • 便利な入金オプション
  • 銀行振込、コンビニ入金、クイック(Pay-easy)入金から選択可能です。
  • クイック入金では、24時間365日決済が可能です。

7. bitcoin reserve investment

  • ビットコインの積立
  • 自動でビットコインを積立投資するサービスを提供しています。
  • 詳しくはこちら

8. virtual currency loans

  • 貸仮想通貨サービス
  • 仮想通貨を一定期間貸し出すことで、所定の利用料が付与されます。

9. get bitcoins for utility bills

  • Coincheckでんき・ガス
  • 電気代やガス代の支払いでビットコインがもらえます。

10. convert points into virtual currency

  • マネックスポイント交換
  • マネックス証券のマネックスポイントをBTC、XRP、ETHに交換できます。



Coin Check

GMO Coin Virtual Currency Exchange





  • 取引手数料が安い
  • 取扱銘柄が多い
  • セキュリティが万全
  • サポートが充実



Transaction fees





  • Sales office: Free of charge
  • 取引所:Maker(新規注文)-0.01%、Taker(成行注文)0.05%


GMO Coin Crypto Asset Wallet.

GMOコインが提供する、スマートフォン専用アプリ ・暗号資産(仮想通貨)の取引 ・日本円の入出金 ・暗号資産(仮想通貨)の預入・送付 など、取引に必要な機能が網羅されています


取引所(レバレッジ取引)に特化したPC専用高機能ツールです 多くのトレーダーに愛用される高機能チャート「TradingView」を採用しています

reserve crypto asset

毎日または毎月決まった日に、決まった金額の暗号資産(仮想通貨)を自動で購入できるサービスです 価格が高い時に少なく、安い時に多く、毎月同じ金額分を購入することで、 一度にまとめて購入するよりもリスクを抑える効果が期待できます


対象の銘柄を保有しておくことで報酬を受け取ることができる「ステーキング」サービス GMOコインの口座に対象銘柄を保有しておくことで、 年率2.1%〜4.5%のステーキング報酬を受け取ることができます

Transactions begin in as little as 10 minutes after application

平日も休日(土日祝)も、「かんたん本人確認」からのお申込については、 24時間いつでも最短10分で審査は完了し、お取引いただけます

Trading methods to suit your objectives.

目的によって使い分け可能な、3つのサービスを提供しています – 操作が直感的で初心者でも簡単に取引ができる「販売所」 – 板情報を使った自由度の高い取引ができる「取引所(現物取引/レバレッジ取引)」 – レバレッジをかけた取引ができる「暗号資産FX」

The number of stocks handled is one of the largest in Japan!

GMO Coin offers one of the largest selection of 23 stocks in Japan.

  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • Ripple (XRP)
  • Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
  • Litecoin (LTC)
  • Nem (XEM)
  • Stellar Lumens (XLM)
  • Basic Attention Token (BAT)
  • OMG (OMG)
  • Tezos (XTZ)
  • Quantum (QTUM)
  • Engine Coins (ENJ)
  • Polka Dot (DOT)
  • Cosmos (ATOM)
  • Symbol (XYM)
  • Monacoin (MONA)
  • Cardano (ADA)
  • Maker (MKR)
  • DAI
  • Chain link (LINK)
  • FCR Coins (FCR)
  • Doge coins (DOGE)
  • Solana (SOL)

travel rule

Crypto assets can be sent to the following 1-3 destinations

1. the following domestic crypto asset exchangers using Sygna Hub (or Sygna Bridge)
Bitbank Corporation
Fobi Japan K.K.
BTC Box Corporation
DMM Bitcoin, Inc.
Kaika Exchange, Inc.
SBI VC Trade Co.
Rakuten Wallet, Inc.
LVC Xenesis Corporation
Mercury Corporation
Tokyo Hash Co.
Bitpoint Japan Co.
Himalaya Japan K.K.
Amber Japan K.K.
O.K. COIN Japan K.K.
CoinBest Corporation
coinbook, Inc.

2. foreign crypto-asset exchangers not belonging to the countries/regions designated by the FSA
Please refer to the following website for the countries and regions designated by the FSA.

3. private wallet such as Metamask

The above information is current as of May 25, 2023 and is subject to change.

<Precautions when sending
Cryptographic assets cannot be sent to any domestic crypto asset exchangers other than those listed in 1 above. In addition, even if cryptographic assets are sent to the domestic crypto asset exchangers listed in 1 above, cryptographic assets cannot be sent if, for some reason, the notification items required by law, etc. cannot be notified.

If you are unable to provide notification as required by law due to a difference in the travel rule-compliant solution adopted by the crypto asset exchanger, you will not be able to send crypto assets to us. As of May 25, 2023, the domestic crypto asset exchangers whose travel rule compliant solutions differ from ours are as follows
 bitFlyer, Inc.
 Coincheck, Inc.
 CryptoGarage Inc.


DMM Bitcoin Virtual Currency Exchange



DMM Bitcoin is a virtual currency exchange operated by the DMM Group; it was founded in 2016 and is one of the leading exchanges in Japan as of January 2023.

DMM Bitcoin has the following features

  • 取引手数料が安い
  • 取扱銘柄が多い
  • セキュリティが万全
  • サポートが充実
  • Offers a unique ordering method, BitMatch orders

DMM Bitcoin's trading fees are free for cash transactions and low for leveraged transactions. The number of stocks handled is one of the largest in Japan at 26 types. Security is well maintained with the know-how of the DMM Group. Support is also available, so even beginners can use the service with confidence. In addition, DMM Bitcoin offers a unique order method called "BitMatch Order," in which a trade is executed at the mid-market price within a certain period of time (30 seconds from order placement) based on the mid-market price provided by DMM Bitcoin. If the trade is executed at the mid-price within the expiration period, there is no spread, and the trade can be executed at a lower commission rate, just like an exchange.

DMM Bitcoin is a recommended exchange for those who want to start virtual currency trading.

Transaction fees

DMM Bitcoin's transaction fees are as follows

  • Cash transactions: Free (*Except for BitMatch transaction fees)
  • Leveraged transactions: leverage fee of an amount equal to 0.041 TP3T of the open interest amount per day required

DMM Bitcoin cash trades are commission free, but leveraged trades incur a leverage fee. The higher the leverage ratio, the higher the leverage fee.

DMM Bitcoin's transaction fees are low compared to other virtual currency exchanges. Therefore, we recommend this exchange for those who want to keep transaction fees low.

No.1 crypto asset type for leveraged trading in Japan 【DMM Bitcoin】 for crypto asset trading

New account opening campaign is underway!

Strengths of DMM Bitcoin

A wide variety of crypto asset types that can be traded, and physical and leveraged trading is available!

You can complete the account opening procedure with your smartphone! Start trading in as little as one hour!

If you apply for account opening between 7:00 and 22:00 using "Speed Identification by Smartphone".

Minimum order quantity/trading unit is 0.0001 BTC (cash transaction) for easy trading.

365-day support from account opening to trading methods, including Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.

travel rule

Withdrawals can still be made to noncrypto asset exchangers, such as private wallets, which are not subject to notification requirements.

■ Withdrawal of crypto assets after compliance with the travel rule
Crypto asset exchanges that accept crypto assets for withdrawal*.
Amber Japan K.K.
Bitbank Corporation
Bitpoint Japan Co.
BTC Box Corporation
Kaika Exchange, Inc.
CoinBest Corporation
coinbook, Inc.
GMO Coin, Inc.
Himalaya Japan K.K.
Fobi Japan K.K.
LINE Xenesis Corporation
Mercury Corporation
Okaycoin Japan K.K.
Rakuten Wallet, Inc.
SBI VC Trade Co.
Tokyo Hash Co.

Crypto asset exchanges that cannot be used for crypto asset withdrawals*.
bitFlyer, Inc.
Coincheck, Inc.
CryptoGarage Inc.


These exchanges are relatively reliable and safe options for virtual currency trading, but there are always risks involved, so we recommend that you do your research thoroughly and use them at your own risk. Also, when using an overseas exchange, be aware of the impact of exchange rates and transaction fees.

What is OKX (not available in Japan)

OKX (formerly known as OKEx) is a crypto asset (virtual currency) exchange that offers trading services for a wide variety of crypto assets, primarily Bitcoin and Ethereum. Users can use this platform to buy, sell, and trade crypto assets, as well as engage in leveraged trading and futures trading.

OKX is considered one of the largest crypto asset exchanges in the world due to its trading volume (turnover). Its services are available worldwide and in multiple languages.

In addition, OKX has its own token, OKB, which entitles holders to discounts on transaction fees and other benefits.


  1. Handling of a wide variety of crypto assets: OKX supports trading of hundreds of crypto assets, including Bitcoin and Ethereum.
  2. Various trading optionsIn addition to spot trading, the company offers a wide variety of trading options, including futures, swaps, and options trading. This allows investors to choose the trading format that best suits their investment strategy.
  3. High leverage: OKX offers highly leveraged trading, with leverage of up to 100 times available on some transactions.
  4. OKB TokenOKX issues its own native token, OKB, which entitles holders to discounts on trading commissions and other benefits.
  5. Global Response: OKX is multilingual and provides services to users around the world.
  6. セキュリティThe company has a robust security program and offers a wide range of features to protect users' assets.
  7. User SupportThe company provides 24-hour customer support and promptly responds to user inquiries.

These characteristics are some of the reasons why OKX is widely used in the crypto asset market. However, investing involves risk, and it is important to fully understand the risks before using any exchange, including OKX.

Official Site

BYBIT for overseas exchanges

The first choice for overseas crypto trading is Bybit, a platform with resources available in Japanese, including the main page, trading screens, and live assistance. This platform is ideal for those who need support in Japanese and have little experience with overseas exchanges, as they can safely deposit and withdraw Japanese yen. Also, the response time is fast, and you will receive prompt and friendly support.

BYBIT International Virtual Currency Exchange Virtual Currency Exchange

What is MEXC?

MEXC is a well-established foreign exchange exchange widely used mainly in Asia, created in 2018. There are various benefits for users, such as access to virtual currency and participation in IEOs through possession of the token "MX".

MEXC International Virtual Currency Exchange Virtual Currency Exchange

What is BITGET?

Since its inception in 2018, Bitget has established a comprehensive and reliable trading solution for international customers. By focusing on social trading, Bitget has successfully attracted 8 million users, 1.1 million subscribers, and 55,000 expert traders from around the world. Furthermore, according to CoinGecko statistics, Bitget is one of the top five derivatives trading sites in the world in terms of trading volume, with an accounting volume that will reach $100 billion by 2021.

bitgetOverseas Virtual Currency ExchangeVirtual Currency Exchange

What is ZOOMEX?

Since its inception in 2021, Zoomex, a high-level blockchain technology and cryptocurrency exchange, has served over 20,000 customers from around the world. We bring together the best of both the financial and technology industries. With the help of our users, we are attempting to revolutionize the fields of blockchain and cryptocurrency and shape the future of cryptocurrency and the financial world simultaneously. In addition, we offer support services via 4-hour live chat in Japanese and other global languages.

zoomex international virtual currency exchange virtual currency exchange

What is FXGT?

The recommended international investment platform is FXGT, which is far superior to other platforms of its kind in currency trading by offering leverage of up to 1000x. 6 account types are available, allowing clients to find the best solution for their needs. solution that best suits their needs.

FXGT International Virtual Currency Exchange Virtual Currency Exchange

List of other famous international virtual currency exchanges

  • Binance: The world's largest exchange, handling many types of virtual currencies. It also has relatively low transaction fees and is used by many users.

On November 30, 2022, Binance stopped approving registrations for those based in Japan. This transition is believed to correlate with Binance's acquisition of all shares of SEBC, a domestic crypto exchange operator, on the same day, which triggered Binance's full-scale entry into the Japanese market.

  • Coinbase: One of the most well-known exchanges in the U.S., Coinbase deals in major virtual currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. It also offers a variety of deposit methods, including bank accounts and credit cards.

 Coinbase Japan (Coinbase Japan) will be launching its "JapanVirtual Currency Transactions for ResidentsServiceindicates object of desire, like, hate, etc.suspension of music, dance, etc. as a sign of mourningTo do" was announced.I didThe following is a list of the most common problems with the

  • Kraken: This European exchange offers major virtual currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. It offers relatively low transaction fees and advanced trading tools.
  • Bitfinex: This Hong Kong-based exchange deals in major virtual currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple. It is especially good at margin trading and offers high value transactions.

Learn more about virtual currency

For virtual currency related stock data, calculation tools, and the latest news, please visitClick here
